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Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

How Do I Know When I Need A More In-Office Treatment?

Teeth whitening is the procedure of brightening the shade of a person's teeth through the use of chemicals. Tooth whitening is commonly desired when teeth get yellowed over time due to many reasons and is generally accomplished by altering the extrinsic or internal color of the tooth's enamel. It is a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment but is not covered by most dental insurance plans. It can be done privately under the care of your family dentist in his office or you can take advantage of a state approved teeth whitening kit that can be purchased at your local pharmacy. If you are interested in having your teeth whitened, here are some pointers to help you decide if this is in your best interest:

Is it something you really want to do? Professional teeth whitening procedures are not something to be taken lightly as it can have significant consequences if not done properly or to your satisfaction. If you are seriously considering getting your teeth bleached, talk with your family dentist about what types of professional teeth whitening services he could offer you. Professional teeth whitening procedures can be somewhat pricey, however, so be sure to budget for it accordingly.

Are you willing to invest the time and money into having your teeth whitened? It will take several hours to perform a teeth whitening procedure depending on the strength of the chemicals used and the size of the mouth. Depending on how yellow your teeth are and what other factors such as age and sensitivity you have to consider, the teeth bleaching process can take anywhere from one hour to two hours. You will be instructed to eat and drink while you are waiting for the teeth whitening treatment to complete. During this time your dentist will instruct you on what you should be eating or drinking during this period and will monitor your progress. When you go in for your teeth whitening procedure, your dentist will remove all of your current toothbrush and toothpaste and will only be giving you a new toothbrush to use during the teeth whitening process.

Once you have completed the teeth whitening procedure, your dentist will instruct you on what materials you should use to clean your teeth. The enamel coat of your teeth is usually thinner than other parts of your teeth and is more susceptible to staining and erosion. For this reason the dentist will likely advise you to use a mouthwash or whitening toothpaste prior to cleaning your teeth so that any stains or food remains are removed. After the enamel has been removed, the dentist will polish or buff your teeth with a light acid based solution to restore the original luster to your teeth.

Some people experience a mild to severe sensitivity after the teeth whitening process. If you are one of these individuals, your dentist will likely instruct you to take anti-sensitivity medication such as Claritin. However, if the sensitivity persists your dentist may also recommend capsaicin gels or other prescription medications. Your hygienist will likely provide you with the names of other specialists on this link that may help you if your sensitivity worsens.

Teeth whitening can sometimes require a more extensive treatment than the procedures that can be performed in-office. Many times the procedure requires a dental implant or crown to replace the natural teeth. This treatment is typically performed by a cosmetic dentist that has experience performing cosmetic dental procedures. The crown or implant will be custom fit to your face and will provide a brighter smile that is closer to that which you were used to having. You may be able to get whiter teeth after going through this type of procedure at your dentist's office. You should consult your dentist if you are still interested in seeking in-office treatments for whiter teeth. Check out this post that has expounded on the topic: https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/05/12/teeth-whitening-the-real-deal_a_21376293/.

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